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Available Online

Fourth Trimester

Learn how to give your baby a calm start to the world.

2 hr 30 min
50 British pounds
Location 1

Service Description

The Fourth trimester Consultation. Designed to empower you and build your confidence on your parenting journey. Enabling you to know what your baby needs and wants. Understand language and behaviours. Build trust and bonds, giving you the ability to calm and sooth your baby using strategies you will learn together. You will learn about… - Transition from womb to world - Realistic sleep expectations - Development leaps and how they can impact your baby - Understand your baby, their cues and cries and what they mean - Gentle ways to calm and sooth your baby - Ways to bond with your baby and reduce the risks of postpartum emotional, mental conditions and exhaustion - Ways to get more sleep.

Contact Details

  • 07789952282

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